
If you are looking for Skmei SK 1667GBK Islamic Prayer Watch with Qibla Direction and Azan Reminder – Gold Black with Azan Reminder in Qatar, Then get the best price for this skmei qibla watch at Hallasouq. We are offering the best price for Muslim Prayer watches in Qatar.

This Muslim Prayer watch is created to show you the direction for prayer regardless of your current location. With built-in Alarm, you can track the prayer time and direction. This watch shows the date of Hijri Calendar and the Qibla time in your location. You can select the country/city to view the city time and data and its main function is the prayer time alarm. Once you select your current location, the watch will let you know what time (hour and minute) is to pray. With this watch, you never need to worry about missing any one of the five daily prayer times. With these awesome azan reminder watches from Skmei, you can easily do your prayers without confusion. Shop on our website for more Skmei Qibla Watches in Qatar.

There are various brands, models and types of women’s watches available in Qatar. It all depend on the style you want and the functionality of the watch. Skmei women’s watch collection have all types of watches that can suit your style.

If you want an elegant watch, one brand will be better than another, and if you are looking for a more sporty style, then you should think of Skmei Watches in Qatar.

Just as there are various brands of watches for men, there are also those for women. Some are dedicated to making Unisex watches, others make watches for men and others for women. But there are several watch brands, like Skmei, that focuses on all. This is where you can find a quality and stylish watch for women.

If you are looking to buy SKMEI SK 1667RGBK Muslim Prayer Qibla Compass Watch – Gold White, then we offer the best price in Qatar and Doha. You can choose between Skmei sports watch, Skmei led watch, Skmei digital watch or Skmei automatic watches from our collection.

Another of its peculiarities is that most of its watches are waterproof. This is very useful in the case of the Skmei sports and digital watch models. However, We recommend you to read the specification carefully, before testing it. Buy the best Watches in Qatar from our website.

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