
Xiaomi Mitu Fidget Building Blocks

Enjoy your free time

Unlimited Flip I Compact Design I Portable

Unlimited Flip, Enjoy Your Time

The Mitu fidget building block is compact and delicate.

You can’t help having fun with it.

It will help you get rid of stress and anxiety.

  • Craftsmanship, Comfortable Feel
  • The Mitu fidget building block adopts zero draft technology.
  • The mold accuracuy is up to 0.005mm.
  • The corners of the building blocks are soft and smooth.

Three-colors Design, Simple Style

The Mitufidget building block adopts classical gray, white, orange three colors design. Its simple style makes you feel pleased

Lightweight & Portable

The Mitu fidget building block is lightweight that can fit in your pocket. You can enjoying it at anytime.

Freely Assembly, Be Creative

The Mitu fidget building block can match with Mitu building blcoks robot.

  • Compact
  • Lightweight
  • Portable
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